
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lost in translation

A friend and fellow fiber artist, Sarah Ann Smith, recently alerted me that she had found this mention and link to both my website and hers on a blog by an Italian woman named Gaya, "Le Borse di Gaya."

"E infine via a rifarsi gli occhi con alcuni quilt spettacolosi: Blue moon river, Sarah Ann Smith e Magic happens. No, vietato deprimersi!!! Guardare, ammirare ed ispirarsi ma mai deprimersi pensando di non essere all’altezza."

First I tried using the Sherlock Translation program I have on my Mac, and got this amusing translation:

And finally via rifaring the eyes with some quilt spettacolosi: Blue moon river, Sarah Ann Smith and Magic happens. Not, prohibited to depress itself!!! To watch, to admire and to inspire themselves but never to depress itself thinking not to be next to the height.

Okay, what the heck does that mean? So I tried a less direct route. My friend Dawna has a co-worker with a Ph.D. in Italian, and she translated it like this:

“Refresh your eyes with some spectacular quilts: Blue Moon River, Sarah Ann Smith and Magic Happens. It’s forbidden to be depressed!!! Look, admire and inspire yourself but don’t get down that you’re not this good.”

Grazie mille, Gaya! (Many thanks, Gaya!)

Wow, it is really amazing how the internet is connecting us all over the planet, isn't it?