I made this last night, when I needed some studio time (it had been a long day of paperwork and computer stuff). I used a drawing from a Dover book on Celtic knotwork, traced it, and then stitched the lines with green thread. Then I used fabric dye to color the knot, and spritzed it with water to make it bleed a bit. After it was dry, I added the dots with a Pigma pen. I would love to design some of these knots myself.
I spent a year of college in Scotland, and was always fascinated with these designs, especially the ornate ones (and spooky skulls and such) on the ancient tombstones in the graveyards there, and in illuminated manuscripts from Scotland, Ireland and England.
Note: The design for this piece comes from Celtic Art: The Methods of Construction (Lavishly illustrated with line drawings & photographs) by George Bain.