That said, here are photos from International Quilt Festival in Houston.
I took a great class with the queen of Baltimore Album, Elly Sienkiewicz:

Had a great Mexican dinner with some old friends, and some new ones (that's Kelly Jackson of I Have a Notion showing off her dinner, and ribbon-winning Ruth Powers in the background):

It was fun to hear the big winners talk about their quilts at the Winner's Circle luncheon:

By Wednesday, the vendors had all set up their booths:

I have a piece in the "Rituals" exhibition:

The wonderful Karen Bresenhan, Founder and Director Emeritus of International Quilt Festival:

My friends Liz and DeLane are having a blast at their first Festival:

Victoria Findlay Wolfe with her brand new book!

Somehow, I always run into Maggie Winfield at Festival -- but she's hard to miss!

Look at her great collaged shoes!

Jan Girod and Kristen Girod Rodriguez of Fiber on a Whim:

Lynne Koolish demonstrates how to use materials in C&T's new Artful Fiber pack:

Liz Kettle has a book hot off the presses!

Cynthia England demonstrates how she stitches together her spectacular creations:

I volunteered at the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative, which raises money for research:

Susan Lentz with some of her Decision Portraits on display:

Liz and DeLane in their fascinators for Quiltapalooza:

Pat Sloan delivers a huge suitcase of Aurifil thread to one lucky winner.

Bonnie McCaffery prepares to shoot The Quilt Quine, a longarm quilter from Scotland who made this Quilted Yurt.

Bonnie McCaffery interviews Leslie Tucker Jenison and Jamie Fingal about the "Rituals" exhibition they curated. They are standing in front of their pieces.

I've taken many photos of the quilts that I will share with you once I get home!
Location:Houston, Texas