My quilt “Pink Petal Party,” which is the focus of my new book, Appliqué Petal Party, just won Best of Show at the Lake Norman Quilters’ 2009 show. Wish I'd worn a different shirt tonight; it is hard to tell where the quilt stops and I start in this photo.
We hung the show tonight and it is going to be fabulous. Please come if you are in the Charlotte area!
Friday, Oct. 30 and Saturday, Oct. 31
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
East Mooresville Intermediate School
1711 Landis Highway, Mooresville NC 28115
If you need directions to the show or want more information, please go to the webpage for our group. It contains a down-loadable PDF with a map and general information. Here are some photos from setup tonight:

A husband lends a hand on a very high ladder!

DeLane carries a panel of small quilts to its stand.

It takes a lot of sweat and muscle to put up a quilt show!

Setting up the doll display.

A local doll group displays their beautiful creations.

Hand-made ribbons await the awards ceremony. That's our raffle quilt in the background. It's my design, and beautifully quilted by Judy Whitehead. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.

Jean Newman made these teeny-tiny ribbons with baby yo-yos and grosgrain ribbon, mounted on paper clips, for ribbon winners to clip onto their nametags. That way, attendees will know the people who win ribbons, and can ask them about their quilts. What a great way to make the winners feel great, and to help encourage interaction between our group’s members attendees, and education about quilts.