by Susan Brubaker Knapp, copyright 2017 (18x18")
This new little piece is made entirely with Jamie Fingal’s charming new fabric line, “hopscotch” by RJR Fabrics. The line features 83 different playful fabrics, mostly tone-on-tone blenders based on Jamie’s sketchbook drawings of flowers, loop-de-loops, geometrics, and dots.
There is a rainbow of colors in this line, and I wanted to use as many of them as I could, so I created a design to accommodate them. I created the satellite on the background using hand needleturn appliqué, then free-motion machine quilted the piece. I pieced together more of the fabrics for the rainbow binding, and added Perle cotton hand-stitched lines around the circles to look like signals coming out from the satellite.
The line will debut at Spring Quilt Market in St. Louis in mid-May, and the fabric will ship to stores in August.
hop, skip, jump blog hop
4-24 Jamie Fingal https://jamiefingaldesigns.blogspot.com/
4-25 Cindy Cooksey https://cookseyville.blogspot.com/
4-26 Sue Bleiweiss https://suebleiweiss.blog/
4-27 Lyric Kinard https://lyrickinard.blogspot.com/
4-28 Susan Brubaker Knapp https://wwwbluemoonriver.blogspot.com/
5-1 Leslie Tucker Jenison https://leslietuckerjenison.blogspot.com/
5-2 Deborah Boschert https://deborahsjournal.blogspot.com/
5-3 Libby Williamson https://libbywilliamsondesigns.blogspot.com/
hop, skip, jump blog hop
4-24 Jamie Fingal https://jamiefingaldesigns.blo
4-25 Cindy Cooksey https://cookseyville.blogspot.
4-26 Sue Bleiweiss https://suebleiweiss.blog/
4-27 Lyric Kinard https://lyrickinard.blogspot.c
4-28 Susan Brubaker Knapp https://wwwbluemoonriver.blogs
5-1 Leslie Tucker Jenison https://leslietuckerjenison.bl
5-2 Deborah Boschert https://deborahsjournal.blogsp
5-3 Libby Williamson https://libbywilliamsondesigns