
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Photo therapy

It’s been one of those weeks. I won’t burden you with the details; suffice it to say that it involves an auto mechanic who made a big mistake, a shop owner who isn’t trying very hard to make things right, and several other events that were emotionally draining.

When things seem overwhelming, it always helps me to do something creative. When I don’t have much time, but I need a fix, photography always fits the bill. I take my digital camera out into the garden or the yard, and focus my energy on finding small bits of beauty around me.

Here’s the lovely jewel I found today: my Nikko Blue hydrangea, which in the spring puts out gorgeous cornflower blue flowers, has managed to sprout a few small blooms before fall arrives in earnest. These blooms, however, are the most spectacular dusky lavender, eggplant and plum colors you can imagine. 

I am trying very hard to melt into those colors, to feel serene. 
“Let your soul
stand cool
and composed
a million
— Walt Whitman