
Saturday, October 16, 2010

It’s almost here!

My latest Quilting Arts Workshop DVD, “Master Machine Stitching: Thread Sketching Beyond the Basics,” should be available soon. I’ve ordered a bunch of copies, and am offering the DVD for pre-sale on my website. I’ll ship them out as soon as I get them.

The DVD is 76 minutes completely on the topic of thread sketching. I think that most quilters are visual learners; they learn best by watching. So I spent a lot of time in this DVD actually stitching — explaining what I am doing and why, while I stitch. Here’s a little clip:

In the DVD, I demonstrate how I take two projects (the apple in the clip above, and the butterfly on the cover of the DVD) from basic fused fabric layers like this:

to this:

… and show you how to do it, too!