I taught my first class in the Netherlands today! All the students did a great job; you can see their work in this photo. The class was held at de Cordi Atelier in Groningen. It is such a lovely shop, with lots of tempting things, including many art quilt materials, plus yarns.

The classroom was very bright and spacious. Here, the students are examining my samples, deciding which project to do:

This shot shows the mostly residential area where the shop is located.

It is amazing how many bicycles there are here! My wonderful host, Lya, folded up her bike and took it in the car with us so she could run errands at lunchtime.

Many university students live in this area, and most get around on bikes.

After class we went to a grocery store. It is so fun to see how things are different, or the same, as stores in the U.S. They had a lot more varieties of sausage!

And an enormous cheese department. Yum!

This is the outside of the grocery. The modern architecture is so fun.

This is a photo of the many modern windmills I saw yesterday on the way to Lya's house from Amsterdam:

More tomorrow!