Inside the Ontario Convention Center at Road to California |
I’m just back from teaching four days at Road to California. I had never been to this show, which is in Ontario, California (east of Los Angeles). It is such a beautiful area, and the venue (the Ontario Convention Center) is wonderful. Big, well-lit classrooms; lots of great vendors; interesting exhibits; and of course, really fabulous quilts!
View near the Ontario Convention Center |
I had a professional headshot taken by Bonnie McCaffery, and snapped this selfie with her afterward. |
Cathy Vandiford Wiggins with her leather quilts exhibition |
$10,000 Best of Show went to “Silk Road Sampler” by Melissa Sobotka of Richardson, TX. |
Inside the convention center |
Mary Kerr’s curated exhibition, “Quilt as Desired,” paired less-than-$50 quilt tops, many purchased on eBay, with longarm quilters’ artistry, with fabulous results! |
$7,500 winner was Janet Stone of Overland Park, KS, with “Ewe Are My Sunshine” |
Luba Dmytryk, who was in my class, won Viewers Choice! |
Luba’s winning quilt |
“Ode to Spring” (detail) by Margaret Solomon Gunn of Gorham, ME |
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“Cameo Rose” (detail) by Laurie Tigner of Rapid City, SD |
They did some amazing work! A few were experienced painters, but most were completely new to painting on fabric. My technique (which I developed to compensate for my lack of formal art training!) breaks this seemingly complex process down into simple steps, so that even beginners can get great results. Taking a three- or five-day class is a big investment of time and money, but it also gives you the opportunity to really get an in-depth learning experience. Some of my students painted all three days; others did smaller or less complex pieces and were able to threadsketch – and in two cases – quilt – their work!
I’m teaching this technique in three venues in 2016 and early 2017:
Hudson River Valley Fiber Art Workshops
Greenville, NY
Aug. 14-20, 2016
Five-day workshop: fusible appliqué, wholecloth painting, and thread sketching
Madeline Island School of the Arts
Madeline Island, WI
Madeline Island, WI
Five-day workshop: Paint & Stitch: Create Original Work from Your Own Photos
Oct. 3-7, 2016
(sign up before Jan. 30, 2016 and get $100 off your lodging!)
Pacific Grove, CA
April 21-26, 2017
Five-day workshop: Wholecloth Painting and Thread Sketching (original work from your photos)