
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Journal Quilt Project II

I found out this week that my piece "Running Deep" was accepted into the Journal Quilt Project II. It will be displayed in Houston at the International Quilt Festival. There were 155 entries from the online QuiltArt group, and 48 were accepted. QuiltArt has been on fire since the acceptances were announced with people who were excited and others who were disappointed.

Virginia Spiegel was one of the exhibition's jurors. If you have ever entered a juried or judged quilt competition, her latest blog post should be required reading. You can check it out here, on her blog.

Virginia does a wonderful job of explaining her job as a juror for this exhibition. Her respect for each entry and each artist is evident, and the tips she provides are very valuable. I know that I will be keeping her comments in mind each time I prepare an exhibition entry in the future.

1 comment:

  1. WAHOOO!!!
    Look forward to seeing it when you are able to show it.


I love it when you leave comments… Otherwise I feel like I'm just talking to myself! If you have time to write, please let me know what you think.