
Monday, August 19, 2013

Wanna be my (Facebook) friend?

If you are on Facebook, and would like to be friends, please look me up here and send me a request! If you’d just like to follow my fiber-art-related pursuits – and not hear about my kids or my recipes, look me up here

One of the things I like to post on Facebook are photos I take while walking my dog (most mornings). I do the same route each day, so I challenge myself to take a photo of something new and beautiful to post. I call it “beauty on my morning walk.” These are some of the photos I’ve taken – and shared on Facebook – recently:


  1. I love the passion flower! I have taken my camera out a few time this month, forgot how much I like taking pictures.

    1. I love it because it helps me notice little details.

  2. I love your pictures. Especially when you turn them into one of you fabulous quilts. I am already friends with you on Facebook. Hugs

    1. A couple of these will probably end up as quilts, Cathy! :-)


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