It’s time to get ready to register for the 2011 North Carolina Quilt Symposium! You can get the forms online, and then mail your registration form (postmarked on or after Jan. 20). I’m teaching at this great event; look at all the fabulous teachers:
Frieda Anderson: friestyle.com
Esterita Austin: esteritaaustin.com
Joyce Becker: home.comcast.net/~jbecker300
Karen Kay Buckley: karenkaybuckley.com/index.php
Susan Cleveland: piecesbewithyou.com
Sally Collins: sallycollins.org/gallery.html
Karen Comstock: quiltricks.com
Pepper Cory: peppercory.com/classes.html
Nancy Eha: beadcreative.com
Ann Fahl: annfahl.com
Rayna Gillman: studio78.net
Susan Brubaker Knapp: bluemoonriver.com
Mary Ellen Kranz: quiltingimages.com/About_Us.html
Jan Krentz: jankrentz.com/index.php
Suzanne Marshall: suzannequilts.com
Laura Martell: thecreativethimble.com
Margaret Miller: millerquilts.com/home.html
Jan Myers-Newbury: nancycrow.com/HTML/barnnewbury.html
Janice Pope: janicepope.com
Leslie Riley: lesleyriley.com
Sharon Schamber: sharonschamber.com
Eileen Sullivan: thedesignersworkshop.com
Patsy Thompson: patsythompsondesigns.com
Mary Lou Weidman: marylouquiltdesigns.com
You can view all the teachers’ information, as well as their projects for Symposium, here. I’m teaching Thread Sketching, Machine Quilting 101, and Surface Design Madness.
This year’s Symposium is hosted by the Capital Quilters of Raleigh, and will take place on the campus of Peace College June 2-5. Remember, you don’t have to live in North Carolina to come; it’s easy to fly into Raleigh if you live out of state.
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