This is the very first quilt I ever made. It is a one patch, made with scraps, mostly from clothing my mother made for me in the late ’60s and early ’70s. I made it with my mom when I was about 10, I think. It is not bound, just turned, pillowcase style, and then tied with yarn. It’s not bed sized, but it is perfect for snuggling under with the girls while I am reading to them at bedtime.
My mother gave it to me this Thanksgiving, on the condition that I not use it as bedding for the cats or the dog. She said I might need it one day if I become a famous quilter and a magazine wants to do one of those “first quilt/latest quilt” features on me. “Ha!" I told her, but I promised I wouldn't use it to line the dog’s crate. I came home and set it down, folded, on our bed. I left the room, came back in and found this:

Max is very photogenic, and he has a knack for finding just the right spot to sit or lie so that you absolutely must take his photograph. Sorry, Mom.